Finding Christmas Time


Tis the season…

I’m so annoyed with myself for not yet having decorated for Christmas. I’m actually away for festive week and new year’s week, so if I don’t do it soon there’ll be no point doing it at all… Except the point that I’ll be sad if I don’t, even if I leave it to the day before I leave. I’m thinking of taking some tinsel travelling with me, too.

I’m so *busy* right now! I’m running around like a headless turkey. In the office, the internet and phone-lines have broken, casting us back into the dark ages and making me wonder how we’d cope if the world lost technology altogether (a theme in my NaNo novel!).Β There are scores of people visiting, some event or another on every day of next week, and we’re hitting the road at the end of it, with next to no itinerary and not a lot organised. Not only have I not decorated, I’ve not done any Christmas shopping or sent any cards. Some of you may be sighing out of sympathy, others out of incomprehension – there are 2 weeks left after all… Except, I’m half a world away from home and from most of the people I want to gift / card – even if I get my act together today, post probably won’t arrive until *next* Christmas!

What am I doing?! Well, I’ve been working at 3 different ‘jobs’ – I have my part-time job as the Reluctant Accountant, which isn’t so part-time this fortnight due to internet issues and the amount to do in the run up to Christmas; I have my business, Right Ink On The Wall, which has been beautifully busy of late, editing and proofing; and I’ve just become the accountant (less reluctantly) for a charitable trust (more on this in another post), which is brand new and just finding its feet, so lots to doooo!Β 

But, however busy I am – there’s no excuse for not finding Christmas Time. Time to decorate, time to celebrate, time to get in touch with loved ones and send tokens of care. There’s no excuse not to find time to thank someone for a card or a kindness. One can be tired *and* cheery. I need to embrace the festive franticness at everything there is to *do* – and be grateful for all the people there are to *see*.

Who’s feeling that Christmas rush/push/crush?! Who else needs to pause for thought, and take time to feel festive?! It’s the most wonderful time of the year πŸ™‚ Make time to find Christmas Time!

4 thoughts on “Finding Christmas Time

  1. swiveltam

    I have to admit, Christmas is one of my least favorite holiday. I feel so much pressure. I love to decorate, but my time is crunched. I love to make homemade breads and cookies and do gift baskets, but I haven’t done that in a couple years. I don’t know why, or what happened. This year I am making hair ornaments and I did decorate, but only half of my decorations. I totally understand where you’re coming from. I wish I had some advice πŸ™‚

    1. saralitchfield

      Aaah I’m so jealous you bake :p Christmas cookies would be wonderful! I should learn!! I have finally decorated – and do feel better about it! Try and enjoy some festiveness amongst the franticness – lots of Christmas love to you! xxx

  2. Aussa Lorens

    Oh my gosh I am right there with you! Busy, so busy! And my boyfriend and I only just decorated our tree LAST NIGHT haha. We will get to authentically enjoy it for a week and then… you know… however long it takes before we get around to taking it down πŸ˜‰
    You need a suitcase Christmas tree, me thinks!

    1. saralitchfield

      I dooooo! Hitting the road tomorrow – soooooo excited!!!!! Cooking xmas dinner tonight and then freeeedooooooom! I have now tinseled downstairs within an inch of its life – ha πŸ™‚ we have decorated – we win!


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