There Is Another World, My Love

Something a little different today. I wrote a poem for a friend and I’d like to share it. He’s losing his soul mate to cancer and I wish there were something, anything that could be done. My heart is full. It goes out to them and everyone who has been through or is going through the same heartache of losing the one you love.

543367_10100428965122620_1396549994_nFor Robert & Eileen

There is another world, my love

A world that’s free of pain

Hold me in your heart, my dear

It’s where we’ll meet again

Life is cruel you see, my sweet

Who knows it more than we?

But hold my hand, my darling one

In no time you’ll be free

I’ll follow you, my soul’s delight

Don’t ever think I’ll fail

Trust that thought, my dearest heart

I’m not the sort to bail

There is another world, my love

A world that’s free of pain

Hold me in your heart, my dear

It’s where we’ll meet again

Sara Litchfield © 2014 All rights reserved.

12 thoughts on “There Is Another World, My Love

  1. Tam Francis

    I’m sorry to hear anyone has to go through that. Not to trivialize, but I just finished reading “The Fault in Our Stars,” about some teens with cancer. It was a moving and poignant read. I wish that stuff was only fictional. Lovely poem Sara. Stay strong for your friends.

    1. Sara Litchfield Post author

      Ah I wish it was too.. I’ve not heard of that, will have to look it up, though I wouldn’t mind reading something a bit more cheerful next!


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