Happiness Is…


Most people who know me (and, at this juncture, many people who don’t know me at all) have an inkling that I’ve got a lot of love for Instagram.

Getting my first touch-screen phone with a passable camera (which only happened last September – judge away!) made it possible for me jump on the bandwagon, and I’ve been a happy addict ever since. During a darkish time, it motivated me to find a bit of beauty in every single day – it got me outdoors in search of moments I didn’t just want to memorise, but play with and publish with a line that would remind me of what it really looked like, how it really felt.

Social media sometimes gets a bad rap. We’re saturated with images, memes, gifs… smart-ass comments, shares and over-shares… But you can’t deny that amongst the plethora of posts out there, some can be provoking. Some can be show-stopping. Some can reach out a hand and hold your heart, even lift it, spiral it to new heights.

Often, I’m in search of a smile. Often, I have one person in mind in whom I think a post might provoke that delightful lilt to the lips. And that makes sharing worth it for me. It’s not about courting your envy or inspiring your awe – it’s about inviting you in. It’s me shouting a greeting: I wish you were here. It’s beautiful. I wish you could see what I see.

So, since I’m back sharing here, I thought I’d invite you to smile at a recent, in-progress Instagram series of mine: Happiness is…

One thing to note: They’re not really pictures of snowboarders or mountains or lakes I’ve seen or book I’ve written. They are posts about passion. Whether with words or phone-photography, I’d love to provoke someone somewhere to find a moment of passionate engagement with something, with anything. A moment that makes them pause, that makes them smile, that makes them think: Happiness is… this.

11402678_10101337395520820_9056833985631954804_nHappiness is: Snow, sunshine, stories, and overhearing conversations that make you smile


Happiness is: Driving leisurely, singing loudly, pausing frequently.. because it’s so damn beautiful turning corners is a hazard


Happiness is: Crashing a roadtrip to ride new snow


Happiness is: Playing out of bounds


Happiness is: When you make the mountain your office and your snowboard your escape


Happiness is: Being published. Won’t ever get bored of seeing my novel on a bookshop shelf 🙂


Happiness is: When the cloud clears, and you remember you can fly


Happiness is: Snowboard on, earphones in, hangover gone


Happiness is: Riding to the beat of your racing heart

What is your happiness? Where is your happiness? Find it; treasure it; share it.

Follow me on Instagram: Sara Litchfield

13 thoughts on “Happiness Is…

  1. Ailey Ong

    I think you are one awesome lady! I enjoy this epic journey of you. I enjoy to see through your eye, that moment you have captured through your lens. A wonderful “peek-a-boo”. Love you heaps….I see you….xoxo

  2. ontyrepassages

    Great pictures! Via social media I’ve not only had the opportunity to learn more about the rest of the world, but I’ve experienced it through the eyes of others. You’re one of those. Thank you.

    1. Sara Litchfield Post author

      That’s what I love about social media – you can access other peoples’ worlds 🙂 I love seeing your pictures and reading about your walks and cycles… I have to get over that way some day and see for myself 🙂

    1. Sara Litchfield Post author

      Always, always.. They are the biggest happiness of all! I’m glad you enjoy – I love yours too!

        1. Sara Litchfield Post author

          Thank you 🙂 it just makes me so happy – all these magical moments filtered in a row!

  3. Deborah Makarios

    Happiness is a warm room with a good book.
    I’m certainly in no position to judge your late adapting to smart-phone technology: I have owned a grand total of two cellphones in my life, and neither is a smart-phone. (It would have been one cellphone, but they shut down the network.)
    On the other hand, if I had a smart-phone I could potentially send you a picture of your book on my shelf: you sit between C.S. Lewis and Anne McCaffrey.

    1. Sara Litchfield Post author

      Wow, I’m keeping good company then 🙂 That’s lovely to know! I love your happiness too…

  4. saraletourneau

    Ohhhh I love this post, Sara. 😀 For me, happiness is all kinds of things: a hot cup of tea, a good book, a day trip to Cape Cod, seeing the ocean and inhaling its scent, walking outside in nature, being with friends… and writing! Writing always equals happiness and fulfillment.

    Thanks for taking the time to remind us of things that bring smiles to our faces and make us grateful for being alive.

    1. Sara Litchfield Post author

      Thanks Sara! I find happiness in all your things as well – save Cape Cod, but I’m sure I would 🙂

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